819 Beach Avenue (Joseph Lewis House)



Building Name: Joseph Lewis House (also known as The Baronet)
Address: 819 Beach Avenue
Architect:  Unknown
Builder: Unknown
Year:  1870
Type:  Residential
Style: Not Specified
Current Status: Extant
Historic American Building Survey (HABS) number:  NJ-854
Material of Construction:  Frame sheathed with shingles; raised granite basement
Shape and Dimensions of Structure:  40′ x 80* with rear wing; 2-1/2 stories plus raised basement; gable roof; 1-story porch on front and sides
Exterior Features of Note:   Porch supported by Doric columns and has turned balustrade between columns and at roof deck; large central cross gable; gabled dormers on front facade; over-hanging eaves with paired brackets; slightly projecting central bay
Major Alterations and Additions:  Raised and stone basement and porch with Doric columns added in 1905.

A fine example of Cape May’s less pretentious beach residences.

819 Beach Avenue (Joseph Lewis House)

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